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IT employee leaves job to open donkey farm, earns rupees 5000 per litre from donkey milk

29 June 2022, Bengaluru: Agriculture is not a glamorous industry to work in. It is very rare that we see people from IT industry and other background leave their high paying job from the metros and cities and move to rural areas for working in agriculture sector.

Mr. Srinivas Gauda from Bengaluru had never thought of working in agriculture industry. He graduated in Bachelors of Arts and was working with IT companies for last 18 years. In the recent years he felt the need to leave the over populating and polluted city life.

Scouting for ideas, some people suggested him that animal husbandry is a lucrative option to earn good amount of money. He reached out to an expert from the animal husbandry industry who suggested him to open a donkey farm.

His family and friends on knowing that Srinivas is planning to open a donkey farm opposed the idea and asked him several questions. Shrinivas adamant to leave his corporate job took the jump and with a minimum investment, opened a donkey farm after two years of good research.

Donkey milk holds immense nutritional and medicinal value. Some study also say that it is close to human milk in terms of nutrition. It helps in boosting immunity and was first used in the 19th century to feed orphaned children. The milk is also popular in the cosmetic industry for making cosmetic products.

The setting up of donkey farm was complete in early June 2022. His farm donkeys have started to produce milk which Shrinivas sells for Rs. 5000/litre. The reason donkey milk is expensive than cow milk is because a cow can produce about 5 – 8 litres of milk minimum in a day where as a doney only produces 250-300ml of milk in 24 hours. The high nutritional and medicinal value and low production gives donkey milk higher price.

The donkey milk is not supposed to be boiled before consuming and also one cannot make tea from it. It is valued highest in its raw form. On day of inauguration itself, he had sold out all the milk collected with in a few hour of production.

Shrinivas Gowda has no regrets of changing his career options at the age of 42. He never imagined to open a donkey farm and earn good money from it.

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