Seed Industry

Best Sugarcane Variety for Haryana, Punjab, Western and Central Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Rajasthan

12 June 2024, New Delhi: Co 0238 (Karan 4) is a high yielding and high sugar content variety, derived from the cross Co LK 8102 x Co 775. It is the best sugarcane variety for Haryana, Punjab, Western and Central Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and Rajasthan. This is an early maturing variety for commercial and the yield of Co 0238 is about 81 tonnes/hectare.

How to Cultivate Sugarcane Variety Co 0238 for Haryana, Punjab, Western and Central Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Rajasthan

1. Application of 100 kg DAP (2 bags) per acre before planting in furrows.
2. Application of 25 kg/acre M.O. Potash before planting in furrows.
3. Placing of setts in furrows. Seed rate 12 buds/meter or 6 sets of 2 buds each.
4. Covering of setts by soil with spades (1 – 2 inches).
5. Light irrigation – waterlogging should be avoided.
6. Spraying of Atrazine @ 2.0 kg/acre on the 3rd day of planting.
7. Fields may be irrigated as when need felt.
8. Application of urea @ 50 kg/acre after 45 days of planting.
9. Application of urea @ 50 kg/acre + 25 kg MOP after 90 days of planting followed by light earthing up.
10. Application of Furadon @ 13 kg/acre during the last week of June to 1st week of July.
11. Earthing up during June – July depending upon the growth of the crop.
12. First propping during August.
13. Second propping during September.
14. For seed crops apply urea @ 32.5 kg/acre during September
15. For autumn planted cane apply 100 kg DAP + 25 kg MOP as basal, 100 kg urea in Feb/March, and 100 kg urea + 25 kg MOP in June

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